SBST Day 2025


SBST Day 2025

The SBST Day 2025 of SBST (Swiss Blood Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy) will take place on 14.03.2025. The venue is the Eventforum in Berne.
The title of the conference is “Relapse after cellular therapy”.

In addition to exciting lectures on the subject, topics and everyday issues will be examined and discussed in the working groups. The conference offers an excellent opportunity for exchange between specialists from various fields.

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Agenda & Sessions

Day 114.03.2025
09:15 — 09:20

Opening and welcome

Speaker : Prof. Dr. Jörg Halter

09:20 — 09:40

Latest trends in the activity of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy treatments in Switzerland and Europe

Speaker : Helen Baldomero

09:40 — 09:55

SBSC Activity 2024

Speaker : Dr. Gayathri Nair

09:55 — 10:40

CAR T cell therapy for Multiple Myeloma

Speaker : Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele

10:40 — 11:00


11:00 — 12:15

Working Groups

Clinical & Collection
Dr. Gayathri Nair, SBSC Berne

- High resolution KIR in HSCT, the swiss study
   Prof. Dr. Jean Villard, LNRH Geneva  
- Maintenance treatment post allo-HSCT for the AML/MDS patients: the approach  of 4  swiss centers
  Prof. Dr. Dominik Schneidawind Universityhospital Zurich (adults)
  Dr. Ulrike Zeilhofer University Childrenshospital Zurich (pediatric)
  Prof. Dr. Jörg Halter, Universityhospital Basel
  Dr. Federica Giannotti Universityhospital Geneva

Allo Transplant Coordination (german only)
Edith Lagler, Universityhospital Zurich

Data Management
Helen Baldomero Universityhospital Basel and Tizian Demont SBSC Berne

Matthias Hellberg-Naegele, Kantonsspital St. Gallen

Quality Management
Annika Minder, Universityhospital Basel

Dr. Mathias Hauri-Hohl, University Childrenhospital Zurich and Benjamin Lüscher, Inselspital Berne

Diff. Course rooms, Auditorium and basement
12:15 — 13:30

Lunch Break

2. Floor
13:30 — 14:30

Kommission Cellular Therapy

Prof. Dr. Caroline Arber, University Hospital Lausanne

CAR-T cell therapy in older patients: challenges and opportunities

Dr. Wiebke Rösler, University Hospital Zürich

Overview and technical aspects of leukapheresis for CAR-T cell therapy
Prof. Dr. Nathalie Rufer, Transfusion Interregionale CRS

13:30 — 16:15

WG Allo Transplant Coordination (german only)

14:30 — 14:45


14:45 — 15:15

The burden of relapse: A psychooncological perspective

Speaker : Dipl. Psych. Birgit Maier

15:15 — 15:45

Survivorship after HSCT and CAR T-Cell Therapy: A patient and nurse experience

Speaker : Sara Ubovic

15:45 — 16:15

Challenge of CAR T cells in myeloid malignancies

Speaker : Prof. Dr. Tobias Feuchtinger

16:15 — 17:30




  • Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Jörg Halter
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Halter

    President SBST,
    Universitätsspital Basel

  • Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Tobias Feuchtinger
    Prof. Dr. Tobias Feuchtinger

    Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

  • Sprecher: Sara Ubovic
    Sara Ubovic

    Universitätsspital Zürich

  • Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele
    Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele

    Uniklinikum Würzburg

  • Sprecher: Dr. Gayathri Nair
    Dr. Gayathri Nair

    Blutspende SRK Schweiz AG

  • Sprecher: Helen Baldomero
    Helen Baldomero

    Universitätsspital Basel

  • Sprecher: Dipl. Psych. Birgit Maier
    Dipl. Psych. Birgit Maier

    Universitätsspital Basel

  • Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Caroline Arber
    Prof. Dr. Caroline Arber

    CHUV, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Lausanne

  • Sprecher: Chairs Working Group
    Chairs Working Group




Fabrikstrasse 12
3012, Bern

The Eventforum Bern is easy to reach by public transport (Postbus, “Güterbahnhof” stop).
Public transportation
From Bern main station, take PostBus line 101 to the “Güterbahnhof” stop
From there turn right over the bridge
After the first building, turn left through the (green) gate onto the forecourt of the Eventforum Bern

Arrival by car                     
The nearest parking garages are:
- Parking garage Insel (exit Forsthaus, then follow the signs “Inselspital” and “Insel-Parking”). 700m walk to the Eventforum.
- Parking garage Neufeld (exit Neufeld, then follow the signs “P+R”) 1.5km walk to the Eventforum.

Contact & Registration


+41 31 380 81 46


