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Impressum Lechwerke AG Eventmanagement der LEW Gruppe Schaezlerstraße 3 86150 Augsburg
T 0821 328-0 F 0821 328-1565 E Postanschrift: 86136 Augsburg
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Bernd Böddeling
Vorstand: Christian Barr Dr. Dietrich Gemmel
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Augsburg Handelsregister: HRB 6164, Amtsgericht Augsburg Umsatzsteueridentifikations-Nr.: DE 1274 70 129
Note: The operator of is not the organizer of the event offered. The event is organized by the organizer, who is also the issuer of the tickets. If you have any questions (including technical ones, e-mails, etc.), please contact the organizer directly.
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