censhare Cloud Bootcamp - Foundation | Team Access Learners have access to and the freedom to progress through Cloud Bootcamp Foundation content at their own pace, without being tied to a specific schedule or instructor-led classes. It is aimed at solution developers and partners seeking to expand their skills and expertise in the censhare Cloud technology and best practices. This training delves into topics for developing, deploying, and managing cloud solutions, and offers a wide range of resources, including video tutorials, interactive quizzes, and real-world projects. Access benefits:Perfect for small teams (3-10 participants) Access to a vast library of online courses, tutorials, and educational resources Self-paced learning, allowing learners to study whenever and wherever they choose Review and revisit course material as many times as needed Learning Management System (LMS) registration support and assistance This plan requires a minimum of three (3) participants and allows a maximum of ten (10) participants. Each named participant will be billed at the rate of €598 per subscription period. If, at the time of purchase, the listed participant number falls below three (3) the purchase will be void. Learners will have access to the academy's E-learning content for a period of 3 months, beginning from the date they are registered in the LMS.Cost: €598 per participant As you proceed to the next stage of the booking process, please be advised that the purchase will be billed to the address you provide. It is essential that you enter the correct billing information to ensure a smooth transaction. If the purchase is a private one, please provide your private address. If the purchase is to be invoiced to your place of work/company, please provide the company billing information.
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Ihre Anmeldung
01.06.2024 - 00:00 - 01.06.2026 - 00:00; Online
Preis (EUR):
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