censhare E-Learning Base Subscription | Individual Learners have access to and the freedom to progress through censhare course material at their own pace, without being tied to a specific schedule or instructor-led classes. The content is available online 24/7, and learners can access it from any location with an internet connection. The self-paced eLearning subscription includes a range of benefits:Access to a vast library of online courses, tutorials, and educational resources Self-paced learning, allowing learners to study whenever and wherever they choose Ability to review and revisit course material as many times as needed Personalized learning paths and recommendations based on the learner's progress and goals Learning Management System (LMS) registration support and technical assistance Learners will have access to the academy's eLearning platform for a full year, starting from the date they are added to the LMS. Subscriptions will automatically renew 12 months after the initial purchase date unless cancelled via email 3 months before the renewal date (cancellation to be sent to academy@censhare.com). For detailed information on partner levels and self-paced learning entitlements, please refer to your SLA package.Cost: €498.00 As you proceed to the next stage of the booking process, please be advised that the purchase will be billed to the address you provide. It is essential that you enter the correct billing information to ensure a smooth transaction. If the purchase is a private one, please provide your private address. If the purchase is to be invoiced to your place of work/company, please provide the company's information.
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01.06.2024 - 00:00 - 01.06.2026 - 00:00; Online
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